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Safeguarding and Child Protection

La Passerelle Safeguarding Information and Procedures

Meet our Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Zachary Lancaster Adlam - DSL Whole School 

Mark Gosling - DSL La Passerelle AP

Helen Stuart - DSL La Passerelle Primary 

Emma Cullen DDSL

Lucie Hosking DDSL

Nykie Bailey DSL - The Nest 


How Safeguarding Concerns are Recorded:

We log concerns on an online system called ‘My Concern’.  All teaching and non-teaching staff can log in and record any concerns they have regarding a students' safeguarding and welfare needs.  When the concern has been reported, the DSL’s receive an email where they log in to review the concern and action anything that is required.

Staff Training:

All staff receive annual safeguarding refresher training delivered in person and complete targeted online learning appropriate to their role.  All staff are required to read and sign to say they have read the 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' and all the safeguarding policies at the beginning of the academic year.

Safer Recruitment

Sarah Anderson-Rawlins, Helen Stuart, Mark Gosling and Dana Scandrett have completed the Safer Recruitment training and one of these members of staff are always present in interviews. Safeguarding questions are always incorporated within the interview process.


Throughout the school site there are safeguarding posters indicating who to report safeguarding concerns to. All La Passerelle staff wear navy blue identity lanyards with their photographic ID around the school, home visits, off-site activities and visiting all Government of Jersey premises.


All visitors must ensure that they have provided their DBS details with the School Office. This information is passed on to the School Business Manager who records the letter of assurance that we receive on our Single Central Register. 

All visitors must sign in at the office and will be issued with a rainbow lanyard which allows all staff to recognise that the visitor has provided their DBS details.

Adults without a DBS are never left on their own with children and will be supplied with a red lanyard to show staff that they are required to be escorted throughout the school at all times during school hours.


Please see La Passerelle Policies for all safeguarding policies.

Children and Family Hub and Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

When necessary, we refer safeguarding concerns to the Children and Family Hub or MASH team. We do this either over the phone or using the online form.  If we were ever concerned about the immediate safety of a child, then the police would be called.  Parents are informed when we make a referral to the Hub or MASH team unless we feel this knowledge would put the child at further risk of harm.

Please see the information below for more information about MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) and the Childrens and Families Hub:

MASH - English

MASH - Portuguese

MASH - Polish

Childrens and Families Hub